1. Main Results

Apr 16, 2020

1 min read

In general, we found that 59% of the geographical area belong to Similar tribes of Murdock and Greg (27% of total intersections).

Classification of Murdock-GREG Intersections

For those tribes that are Similar/Equivalent we analyze the level of its relation. In general, we found that most of the tribes are at the same level (24% of the total geographical area). Then, 34% of the total geographical area belongs to a intersections where one tribe is a subfamily of the other.

Description on tribes that are considered the same/equivalents

Once established the type of relationship between Similar/Equivalent tribes, we now analyze which tribe’s name, Greg or Murdock, is a lower or upper level. In general we found that GREG is the main tribe and Murdock is a sub-level (34% of the total geographical area). Only in few cases, Murdock’s tribe name is more general than Greg’s name (1.02%).

Level same tribes

Based on each method employed, there is strong evidence that a each intersection classified as different is actually true.we found that the 19% of the total geographical area in Africa belongs to a tribes completely different (i.e. $x_{murdock}!=x_{greg}$ and $y_{murdock}!=y_{greg}$). And, around 13% belongs to intersections that belong to the same family, yet they refer to a different tribes.

Main Reasons why two tribes are different

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