Intersection - 1202

Basic Information

Tribe Murduck | KELA

Tribe Greg 1 | Mongo

Tribe Greg 2 |

Tribe Greg 3 |

Tribe Greg 1 - long | Mongo

Tribe Greg 2 - long |

Tribe Greg 3 - long |

Matching Information

Matching Type = Similar Tribes

Matching Type Details = *S. Trib. (Murd Tribe - Greg Subfam.)*

Similar Tribes - Level = Greg Main Level, Murdock Sub-Level

Similar Tribes - Detail = Main Sub-Family, Second Tribe

Source - Mourdock Book

Murdock Tribe

Category | Family

Cluster | Mongo

Book Chapter | Mongo and Luba (Chapter number=37 - Tribe number = 3)

GREG Tribe

Category | Family

Cluster | Mongo

Book Chapter | Mongo and Luba (Chapter number=37 - Tribe number = 6)

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